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We make the fastest payments in the industry. Based on your performance tier, you get paid within the next 7-15 business days from the date of order dispatch. It's 7 business days for Gold Sellers, 12 business days for Silver Sellers and 15 business days for Bronze sellers. You decide the price of your products and we charge you a small fee on the successful orders you make.

Pricing Structure

Settlement Amount
Settlement Amount

The amount credited to your bank account in 7-15 business days of dispatch.

Order Item Value
Order Item Value

Selling price and shipping paid by customer and excludes discount offered by the seller.

Marketplace Fee
Marketplace Fee

Includes Shipping fees, fixed fee and selling commision.

Commision Fee

Percentage of order item value (depend on category and sub-category)

Shipping Fee

Calculated on the basis of product weight and shipping location.

Collection Fee

Payment gateway or cash collection charge for each and every sale.

Service Tax on Marketplace Fees
Service Tax on
Marketplace Fees

(15% marketplace fee) including other taxes.

Commision Fee

Percentage of order item value (depend on category and sub-category)

Shipping Fee

Calculated on the basis of product weight and shipping location.

Collection Fee

Payment gateway or cash collection charge for each and every sale.

Here’s an easy example, which illustrates a sample the above calculation:

  • Item
  • Selling Price (decided by you)
  • Commission Fee (varies across sub-categories/verticals)
  • Shipping Fee (Local shipping, based on weight)
  • Total Marketplace Fee
  • Goods & Service Tax (18% of Marketplace)
  • Total deductions
  • Settlement Value(Amount credited to you)

Want to grow your Business with Naseej

Commission Price Per product Category in Pricing is 0 Till Decemeber 17

Shipping Fees

To ensure ease of selling and the best possible customer experience, we mandate delivery to all customers via our logistics partners and deduct the shipping cost from the selling price before making a payment to you. Shipping fee is calculated on actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is higher. This is to account for items which are lightweight but occupy a lot of shipping space.

Volumetric weight is calculated as below.

"Volumetric Weight (kg) = L*B*H (Length x Breadth x Height)/5000 where LBH are in cm"

Every new seller will be tiered as a Bronze seller. Basis set performance metrics, the seller can move to Silver or Gold tier during the quarterly refresh. The below shipping rate for forward shipments is applicable for Bronze Sellers only. There is 20% and 10% discount on the forward shipping fee for Gold and Silver Sellers respectively.

The following rates are exclusive of all taxes.

  • Weight Slab
  • 0.0 Kg -0.5 Kg (For Every 0.5 Kg)
  • 0.5Kg -3.0 Kg(For Every 0.5 Kg)
  • >3.0 Kg (For Every 0.5 Kg)

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